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Veronica Truman

Electricity Pylon

Report calls on UK Government to increase clean energy investment

A report by Energy UK, issued on Monday 20 February, has stated that the UK Government’s targets to address climate change and energy security through the build out of clean, homegrown energy can only be achieved by ensuring that the UK continues to attract international private sector investment into low carbon projects.

ESC report highlights benefits of digital twins for energy policymakers

On Thursday 16 February, Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) announced that it has published a report titled Digital Twins, Model, Shadow, Twin – the case for policy use, setting out what digital twins are, the benefits of their use for policymakers, and some near-term use cases that the government and Ofgem could leverage to improve the policy processes in the energy sector.

Electricity Pylon

NIC to review current approach to National Policy Statements

On Friday 10 February, the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) announced that it has been asked to review the current approach to National Policy Statements (NPS) and identify how the planning system could create greater certainty for infrastructure investors, developers and local communities.